The way mothers, fathers and other caregivers nurture and support children in the early years is among the most decisive factors for healthy growth and development, with lifelong and intergenerational benefits for health, productivity and social cohesion.
To grow and develop optimally, children need to receive nurturing care. This means that they enjoy adequate nutrition and good health, feel safe and secure, and have opportunities for learning starting from birth. Exclusive breastfeeding, immunization and timely care during illness all contribute to a child’s healthy growth and development. Clean air, water and sanitation, and safe places for play and recreation are likewise important for young children to explore and learn.
Caregivers benefit when they are supported in their caregiving practices, within the family, the community and in health services. They need to be feeling well themselves in order to care for others and therefore, addressing caregiver mental health is an important aspect of services that support children’s healthy growth and development.Â